The Life Skills You Never Learned in School . . .
But Should Have!

“Trust your gut feelings. That’s where true wisdom manifests itself.”
– Oprah Winfrey, Media Mogul and Philanthropist
My sister was leaving work when she had a vision of being in a car accident. Brushing the image aside, she proceeded on her way.
What do you think happened next? That’s right - she was sideswiped in the exact intersection she saw earlier in her mind.
Intuition is just that… It’s the ability to see, hear, feel or know something without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between your conscious and unconscious minds. It’s a simple matter of energy.
Albert Einstein helped us understand that everything is energy before it’s anything else.
Your intuition is attuned to energy and can sense why something is or how it will manifest prior to its showing up in your reality - just like how my sister’s intuition showed her the energy building up that could have been avoided if she’d taken the bus.
Yet, as research has shown us, intuition isn’t just something that happens to you. You can activate your core instincts too . . . and the way you do that is with symbolism
Symbolism is the language of the energetic universe and your intuition is the interpreter.

Everything happens for a reason. Intuition can help you find out why.
Your intuition knows who you are and what you want to become, and is designed to help you understand the toughest of scenarios and find solutions to any issue.
“It is by logic that we prove, but by intuition that we discover.”
– Henri Poincaré, French mathematician

There are typically four ways in which we receive intuitive messages - often referred to as the clairs.

Inner Hearing

Inner Seeing

Inner Feeling

Inner Knowing
No two people are the same.
Even twins have different preferences, ideals and ways of dealing with issues. Because we are all unique at our core, intuition works differently for each of us.
You will generally have one strong clair.
To find out how intuition works for you, simply play with the clairs to see which is strongest and which need development.
When you are out in your daily life, pay attention to the images, words, feelings and senses of knowing that come your way.
This will help you determine how your intuition comes to you and what it’s trying to say.
The best way to know how it works for you is to seek intuitive development classes where you can practice these skills safely and with others.
All of these skills can be developed to great degrees - I now see as much as I hear intuitively.

We are all born intuitive but are trained out of it at a young age.
As children we are expected to do as we’re told and not follow our instincts. We are taught to no longer hear our inner voice and intuition.
Which is why most people feel stuck, depressed, uninspired and pessimistic. They have a hard time finding their true self in our narrow perspectives.

Over the last fifty years, government agencies like the CIA, colleges such as Stanford, and independent researchers like Dr. Gary Schwartz have conducted extensive research on psychic powers, and mediumship, and how to harness what these researchers refer to as our “superpower.”
As a result of these scientific findings, the US Office of Naval Research (ONR) began developing a program to train soldiers to be more intuitive on the battlefield to give them an advantage in high-pressure combat situations.
The Pentagon reported that the program was instituted after an incident in Iraq when a Staff Sergeant, using intuition, prevented carnage by detecting an improvised explosive device before it was seen.
Commander Joseph Cohn, the program's director, said that reports from the field often detail a ‘sixth sense’ or ‘Spidey sense’ that alerted troops to an impending attack or allowed them to immediately respond to a real-life combat situation without having to take the time to analyze the situation.
However, the biggest breakthrough researchers concluded was that while they could measure, replicate and confirm how our core senses work, intuition was really a tool for studying and working with the science of energy, self, intention and manifestation.
In other words, intuition allows you to observe and direct the flow of energy, putting you in the driver’s seat of your life.

Intuition is an innate human skill that allows us to find personal balance, purpose and fulfillment.
Our inner senses reveal the source of our limitations as well as solutions for resolving our issues.
Our inner senses help us accept the truth of others as well as ourselves so we can blend all beliefs peacefully.

The idea that intuition has been demonized and withheld from us as an education is a travesty and points to the reason people are in turmoil. It’s time to opt for the science that provides a new way of seeing one another and helps us change the status quo.
Since 2004, when I became a Certified Clairvoyant Medium following the Berkeley Psychic Institutes program, I have worked with healthcare and corporate professionals, alternative practitioners, and people just like you who want deep understanding, tangible solutions and purposeful direction.
The intuitive gene resides within EVERY person.
The aspects of one’s self is what gives rise to inspiration, innovation, and most importantly, transformation. My transformation allowed me to become decisive and live a life that I had pushed away at a young age.