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Show Up for What You Desire

Writer's picture: Michelle DesPresMichelle DesPres

Why doesn’t the “Universe” just give us what we want when we want it?

If you are tired of trying to create change in your life but are finding it difficult to bring around, this is the video for you.

There is a need to show up in your own life. a need to take inspired action toward what you desire. So the trick to getting the Universe to bring us what we want is to know how to intuit when its your turn to take action and when it’s the Universe’s turn to respond.

Manifesting is actually easy. You just have to know the give and take of it.

In this week’s Intuitive Living video, I explain how to intuitively determine when it’s your turn to create your life and when it’s the Universe’s time to bring you better than you could have expected.

Show Up For What You Desire

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