IMPERMANENCE: Get comfortable with it![metadata element=”date,author,comments,sticky,views” ] <img class=" wp-image-11063 lazyload" src="
THE TIME OF 11:11 – Can you open to your greatest potential?[metadata element=”date,author,comments,sticky,views” ] <img class=" wp-image-10864 lazyload" src="
THE TRUE AMERICAN DREAM: Resolving our Nation’s Crisis[metadata element="date,author,comments,sticky,views" ] <img class=" wp-image-10551 lazyload" src="
THE MOMENT OF TRUTH – Autumn Equinox 2018[metadata element=”date,author,comments,sticky,views” ] <img class=" wp-image-9783 lazyload" src="
2018 The Year of AscendingRecap 2017 On January 31, 2017 an unprecedented shifted that took place on Earth. Magnetically, the Earth’s magnetic resonance amplified...