<img class="alignright wp-image-3809 size-thumbnail lazyload" src="http://spiritofintention.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/4047982682_fabce4cbce_o-e1407058647650-150x150.jpg" alt="OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA" width="150" height="150" />Ever feel stuck in your career or in your life?
Can’t figure out what stands in the way of having your desires?
In this video, Michelle DesPres speaks to the Conscious Business Connections meet up group and clairvoyantly coaches two of their members to find their blocks and move past them in a very poignant, insightful and powerful way that transforms them instantly.
Don’t suffer needlessly!
Let Michelle help you discover what is blocking you and get moving forward in your life, TODAY!
TRANSFORMING LIVES: Michelle speaks to and coaches CBC