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Why Are Emotions at Times Overwhelming & How Can We Lessen Them?

Have you ever had an emotional breakdown that you felt was over the top and somewhat unnecessary but couldn’t stop yourself from having? It’s because most emotional outbursts have very little to do with a person’s current circumstances and everything to do with their soul’s memory of unprocessed emotions from similar circumstances in past lives.

For instance, a woman who has lost a child in a past life might feel strongly that her child never leave her side causing an unhealthy attachment that causes irrational outbursts when the child attempts to leave home even at age 30. If the mother knew how to intuitively witness her emotions, she would understand that most of her fear was not real given present circumstances.

If your goal today is to become healthier, wealthier, and wiser, then understanding how much of your emotions are necessary versus how much your emotions are getting in your way is crucial.

In this week’s Intuitive Living video, I will teach you how to gauge where your emotions come from so you can let go of fear and worry that might be holding you back from experiencing a life of joy.

Why Are Emotions at Times Overwhelming & How Can We Lessen Them?

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