”Are there any ‘bounds to a writer’s job’ except those imposed by his own finiteness?”
J.R.R. Tolkien
<img class="alignright size-medium wp-image-25670 amzn_view_checked lazyload" src="http://booksbywomen.org/wp-content/uploads/michelle-despres-author-photo-300x300.jpg" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" srcset="http://booksbywomen.org/wp-content/uploads/michelle-despres-author-photo-300x300.jpg 300w, http://booksbywomen.org/wp-content/uploads/michelle-despres-author-photo-180x180.jpg 180w, http://booksbywomen.org/wp-content/uploads/michelle-despres-author-photo.jpg 450w" alt="" width="300" height="300" />I was in a checkout line one day when an inspired thought raced into my mind, solving a nagging issue with my pending book. My subject was intuitive development. My mission was to reposition what is typically thought of as an alternative “woo-woo” concept into its rightful place as a seriously accepted science and therapy that allows us to heal ourselves and
<img class="alignright size-medium wp-image-25669 amzn_view_checked lazyload" src="http://booksbywomen.org/wp-content/uploads/Intuitively-You-eBook-1-1-188x300.jpg" sizes="(max-width: 188px) 100vw, 188px" srcset="http://booksbywomen.org/wp-content/uploads/Intuitively-You-eBook-1-1-188x300.jpg 188w, http://booksbywomen.org/wp-content/uploads/Intuitively-You-eBook-1-1-113x180.jpg 113w, http://booksbywomen.org/wp-content/uploads/Intuitively-You-eBook-1-1-376x600.jpg 376w, http://booksbywomen.org/wp-content/uploads/Intuitively-You-eBook-1-1-300x479.jpg 300w, http://booksbywomen.org/wp-content/uploads/Intuitively-You-eBook-1-1.jpg 420w" alt="" width="188" height="300" />mend the world. But how?
Standing in line with nothing to do but be still and wait, out of nowhere I heard these words echo through my head, “Your industry lacks ethics.” In that moment, my heart leapt with a newfound understanding for the slant my book should take. In short order, I drafted an extensive set of “Intuitive Ethical Standards” unique to the industry, establishing intuition as a credible form of mind, body and soul therapy.
I’m sure this type of intuitive realization has happened to you. How often can you recall receiving a spark of genius about your writing projects without really knowing where the idea originated? It is in these instances of unconscious insightfulness that your intuition mysteriously intervenes on your behalf.
Brilliant minds such as J.R.R. Tolkien, William Blake, Nicola Tesla, and even Steve Jobs accredit many of their ideas to moments of instant knowingness, or higher awareness. Even J.K. Rowling conceived her entire Harry Potter series while on a train from Manchester to London – she often muses that the plot and characters just ‘came to her’ as if out of nowhere. These individuals were adept at using their intuition (mostly unconsciously) to attune to universal thought and advancements – and so can you!
Intuition is your innate guidance system, giving you insight as to how best to understand and navigate all of your life circumstances, including your writing. Don’t be lulled into thinking that you are not intuitive. Everyone possesses the skills of higher awareness even though you never learned this science of yourself in school. As a matter of fact, writers are some of the most intuitive people on the planet.
Unfortunately, most of us never consciously use our inner awareness to hone our voice, allay our inner critic, better our craft, and access unique and compelling content. Yet, the world is in dire need of new voices, perspectives and ideals. Whether you are a fiction or nonfiction writer, you have an uncommon opportunity to not just amplify your own creative potential but you can also help shape a new and positive future simply by allowing intuition to inspire your work. Below are the keys to learning how to rely on your intuition so you can become the writer you have always aspired to be.
Your intuition consists of four primary senses. Knowing how they function is the first step to utilizing them.
Clairvoyance allows you to see images and stories in your mind’s eye, giving you information about yourself and your potential that you never had previously.
Clairaudience allows you to hear words and detect frequency vibrations that carry vital knowledge for creating your life’s passions.
Clairsentience allows you to feel emotions that bring you information about yourself and your life’s pursuits.
Claircognizance relates directly to your ability to know something absolutely and empowers you to enact your higher understandings.
You can ask your intuition to provide you with images that can help resolve any issue you face, to provide words to help fill in uncertain blanks, emotions to reveal your best path, and flashes of knowing to confirm your understandings. Although you may not get an answer immediately, pay attention over a period to the images, sounds, feelings and illuminations you receive even if at seemingly random times (like standing in line at the store). Then, capitalize upon your insights.
Here are a few ways I specifically use my intuition as a writer:
A Cure for Writer’s Block
I’m confident you agree that a writer cannot write endlessly, never having a break in creative flow. Yet, we get upset with ourselves when we cannot create on command – but this only contradicts our inner truth. Instead, remember that the cycles of life ebb and flow. There are peak moments and low moments to your creative timing. Use your intuition to sense when you are in flow versus in a lull and honor each for what it has to offer. One produces, while the other attunes to greater potential – you need both. Let your intuition tell you when to be productive and when to play so you aren’t making your process harder by contravening your personal timing.
Assuaging the Inner Critic
How much of your writing goes unfinished because you doubt its merit? Writers are their own worst critics. Consequently, they often hesitate in finalizing their projects. However, intuition can help calm your inner critic. First, let your higher awareness remind you that you are not here to be perfect, you are here to grow. Next, remember that writing is often a collaborative effort. Your work is better with honest critique and feedback. Use your intuition to tell you with whom to share your stories and ideas and ask them for gentle but helpful comments. Writers only get better when others read their work. Let your intuition show you how to be bold not shy.
Don’t be caught writing blindly. From now on, get used to using your intuition to help you find your prize-winning right now, right here.—
March 6, 2019 | By Michelle Despres |