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“Close both eyes to see with the other.”
– Rumi, Poet
THE TIME OF 11:11 – Can you open to your greatest potential?
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BE PRESENT – The Easy Way
Did you know the only moment in which you can create your life is the present? But what exactly is the present? Most people think being...
CONJURING PORTALS – Why Intuitives Need Training (Podcast Ep. 009)
[metadata element=”date,author,comments,sticky,views” ] If you are curious about the energetic universe and you like performing...
THE DARKNESS PERSISTS – You need to be more aware then ever (Ep. 010)
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[metadata element=”date,author,comments,sticky,views” ] The cycle of new beginnings happens in the spring – don’t use your energy for it...
THE TRUE AMERICAN DREAM: Resolving our Nation’s Crisis
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SEED EVENTS: The Key to Changing Negative Patterns
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POVERTY IS A MYTH – Intuitions ability to alter life’s limitations
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HEAL THE POLITICAL CLIMATE -The Intuitive, Non-Partisan Approach to Creating Change
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YOUR FEMININE VOICE IS NEEDED: Dr. Ford sets the example
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TRANSPARENCY NOW: Are you having your voice?
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THE MOMENT OF TRUTH – Autumn Equinox 2018
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[metadata element=”date,author,comments,sticky,views” ] Listen to what Intuitive Realtor, Jackie Mihalchick and I discovered about why we...
Energy Renewal Meditation
This is my FREE meditation. Enjoy!
PROOF TELEPATHY WORKS: How your intuition allows you to work with nature rather than against it!
I wanted to share a story with you about a woman, Lauren Taylor, and her account of using telepathy to calm and redirect a mountain lion...
How to Achieve World Peace in 4 Intuitive Steps
Featured in: Elephant Journal Did you know that the Greek philosopher, Aristotle, said that intuition is the source of scientific...
NEW FOUNDATIONS: My need for hip replacement
[metadata element=”date,author,comments,sticky,views” ] I started my quest by reading Louise Hay’s book, Heal Your Body: The mental...
I LOVE SELFISH PEOPLE: The gift of entitlement
In my book, The Clairvoyant Path, I talk about how kindness almost killed me. I was in such a habit of putting the needs of others before...
MOTHERS MAKE THE WORLD GO CRAZY – And that’s a good thing!
I am the mother of three grown sons. Over the years when they have been upset by something I’ve said or done, I tell them . . . “I’m...
WHY YOUR STARS MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Saturn moves into Capricorn and your world will never be the same
“We are stardust, we are golden We are billion year old carbon And we got to get ourselves back to the garden” If you don’t think that...
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