VOICE: The only weapon you need to start a revolution
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“Close both eyes to see with the other.”
– Rumi, Poet
RAINBOWS: Why those lost to tragedy still have a bright future!
SUMMER 2016: What you need to know this season
TRUMP: It’s time to play YOUR TRUMP CARD this election
THE GRANDMOTHERS : Forge what is right not what is expected
INTUITION: The education Americans lack that solves ALL our personal, social and philosophical life
MEDIUM: Are Spirits Drawn to You?
WINTER: A 3 Month Intuitive Forecast
GIFT: The intuitive ability to bring about peace
ZOMBIE: The nightmare we endure daily
Are you forcing your circumstances?
Modern Medicine and Holistic Health CAN and DO Work Together
Opportunity Time…Michelle’s Spring Intuition
Your Answers are All Around You
Why Are Emotions at Times Overwhelming & How Can We Lessen Them?
Lasting Love IS Possible
You Don’t Have to Sleep to Dream
3 Intuitive Steps For Making The Most of 2015
INTUITIVELY YOU: Evolve your life and mend the world
Distractions Don’t Have Distract